Had the sensor replaced while the box was out of the car. Before installing the transmission, checked the voltage output on the position sensor. Found this sensor provided reverse from expected. Low gears, higher V steps down as gear position increases.
Tag: BMW
Transmission checkup
Replaced some seals and the sensor. Looking good for another season 👍
Sensor was original with the box. Proactive replacement while box was out of the car.
Upright check
Scratch developing into something on the L wing mount. Keeping an eye on it.
Rear camber – adjustable now.
The size of the rear control arm rod ends is such that there is NO way to put a wrench on the interior jam nut. The rod end fits into the subframe with no space for a wrench. Terrible.
Resolved by hacking, cutting is too elegant a term, metal from the control arm mount. Next time, will know to look for a control arm with a smaller rod end.